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5 Tips for Interviewing for a Job When You Already Have a Job

It’s no secret, burnout can happen. Even the best jobs can run their course, leaving you wanting something more. According to Willis Towers Watson’s 2022 Global Benefits Attitudes Survey posted by CNBC, 44 percent of employees are job seekers, meaning that they are or will be looking for a new position. According the survey, 56 percent of workers said pay was their number one reason for looking for a new position. Other possible reasons people may be looking include better benefits, hybrid or remote working environments, and/or just more flexibility. So how do you navigate interviewing for a position when you are currently employed? Here are 5 tips for interviewing for a job when you already have a job.

1. Don’t Job Search While on the Job

This one may go without saying, but don’t risk losing your current position by applying for jobs while on the clock. Try to keep your job search relegated to nights and weekends. While a quick application here and there may not eat up that much time, it’s not worth the risk. If nights and weekends are hard, pop into a coffee shop during your lunch hour and use that time. Many job applications can be done from your phone, making it convenient to do outside of working hours.

2. Don’t Discuss Your Job Search

It’s best to refrain from talking about your job search to colleagues. While it may be an exciting time for you, it’s not worth the risk of having an awkward work environment during that time. You should only discuss your job search after you have a signed formal offer from your new prospective employer. Then you may need to discuss your notice and offboarding that will need to be done. You never know when a future employer may contact a past employer so it’s important to try and leave on good terms.

3. Schedule Your Interview Times Around Your Work Schedule

If possible, schedule your interview times around your current work schedule. This may mean potentially taking a morning or afternoon off of work to interview or an extended lunch hour. If you have more than one interview, it may be worth taking a PTO day and scheduling them back to back or in the same day so you can knock them all out at once. The good news, is many interviews are done virtually, making it easier to schedule back to back interviews or interview for several jobs in the same day.

4. Be Selective in the Interviews You Take

Don’t feel obligated to take every interview that is offered to you, especially if you are having to take time off of work. Be up front in the interview process and ask any dealbreaker questions you may have in the phone screen. If you don’t feel comfortable after the phone screen, politely take your name out of the candidate pool. Do your research ahead of time on the company so you know what you are getting into and aren’t surprised. Recruiters and employers don’t want to waste your time as much as you don’t want to waste their time.

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Negotiate

When it comes to searching for a job, while having a job, the power is in your hands. Don’t be afraid to negotiate a job offer. Whether it be the pay, benefits, time off, or work hours, you have the upper hand. After all, you already have a job, so the worst case scenario is the job offer doesn’t pan out. According to a survey, 70 percent of hiring managers expect candidates to negotiate their salaries and benefits.

By taking advantage of the above tips, you can help make the interview process easier on you, your current employer, and prospective employer. Looking for a new job? Send us your resume and we will schedule a time to chat.

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